of R&D spending comes from PSE in Canada
of students support more work-integrated learning
earnings premium for PSE grads vs high school only
PSE grads employed within 2 years (2014)
Post-secondary education is an engine for job creation and social prosperity in Alberta
Post-secondary institutions have a history of being at the cutting edge of R&D in the province. They have also been responsible for training the skilled workers that sustained Alberta’s economy.
Our universities, colleges and polytechnics are poised to do it again.
Alberta’s post-secondary institutions manifest the values Albertans hold most dear — the optimism and drive to achieve your goals through hard work and persistent study. Our 26 institutions of higher learning build up Alberta’s economy and cultivate the next generation of talent.
Post-secondary ignited Alberta’s economic engine
Alberta’s history as an economic powerhouse started with research and training. For example, Karl Clark's research resulted in the discovery of how to separate bitumen from oil sands in the 1920s. That eureka moment transformed into practical workplace know-how through decades of investment in research and training within Alberta’s post-secondary institutions.
Become the best in Canada at turning research and training into progress
Alberta’s post-secondary education system is a critical engine for job creation and the economic and social prosperity of Alberta. Research, innovation and skills development act as the catalyst. Creating the next great Albertan innovation starts with a commitment to research—even that which seems impractical at first. Preparing the next generation of Alberta workers starts with integrating work and learning. As automation erodes entry-level jobs, companies will expect students to mix higher level technical and soft skills. Investing in work-integrated learning like internships, apprenticeships and start-up incubators let future graduates hit the ground running.
Our Role
Policy Leadership
We will proactively develop strategic approaches to systemic issues through the quarterly Presidents policy dialogue forums that will help inform government policy and foster collaborative operational approaches across the system.
We will build an evidence based advocacy strategy that will strengthen our connections to all of our stakeholders so that we can more effectively incorporate their needs in the design and delivery of our programs and services.
Advocacy &
Stakeholder Relations
Shared Services
We will build and operate a shared services model to support our members with efficient cost-saving initiatives.
We will assist in learning, earning or maintaining professional credentials such as academic degrees to formal coursework, attending conferences, and informal learning opportunities situated in practice.
Professional Development & Support
System Level Dialogue on Emerging Issues
We will continue to collaborate with our members and adapt to a continually changing landscape in government and the post-secondary system in Alberta.